INOSPEC - Von der Doktor-arbeit zu Gründung
INOSPEC – Ekaterina und Erik haben am DESY ein kompaktes Bereitband-Spektrometer entwickelt, das neue Maßstäbe in der Pharmakologie setzt.
Female Entrepreneurship und gesellschaftliche Vielfalt
Wir setzen uns aktiv gegen struktu-relle Diskriminierung und stereotype Rollenbilder und für die Stärkung von Diversität im Gründungsökosystem der Metropolregion Hamburg ein.
HOLII - Der Inkubator mit gesellschaftlichem Mehrwert
Du arbeitest an einer Gründungsidee, die dazu beiträgt, die Herausforde-rungen unserer Zeit zu bewältigen? Unsere Expert*innen helfen dir Deiner Ausgründung!
Startup Port Community Day
04.07.2023 - Save the Date!
Weil Feiern auch Netzwerken ist! Im Juli trifft sich die Gründungsszene der Metropolregion Hamburg wieder im Forkum Finkenau der HAW Hamburg zum Networking bei Imbiss und Drinks.
Get the knowledge and expertise of an entire region for your startup! At Startup Port, you get everything from a single source. Regardless of whether you already have a concrete start-up idea or simply feel the entrepreneurial spirit within you – we will support, coach and network you. The Startup Port bundles the support services of ten universities and research institutions from the Hamburg metropolitan region for you.
Qualify, network, promote – our offers are aimed at students and researchers with an interest in start-ups, young start-ups, but also established companies and start-up consultancies. For us, the focus is always on the question of how startups can be planned and organized as purposefully and successfully as possible.
Our offers for:
Take a look at our qualification measures and choose the support that best suits you in your current start-up phase.
Joint success is double success! So let us connect you with people at our networking events who will give you just the boost you need.
At Startup Port, we offer you access to a large community. We provide you with the know-how and resources of knowledge organisations, start-ups, experts and partners.
The Startup Port @TUHH has successfully acquired a second grant as part of the EXIST Women programme. This means that it will also be possible to provide female founders with targeted support in the development and realisation of their business...
The Hamburg-based startup KONVOI, a spin-off from the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), has successfully closed a seven-figure funding round. The round was led by 1750 Ventures, the investment arm of VGH Versicherungen. Existing investors, including Wolfgang Reuter, Elke Heidrich-Lorsbach,...
With a groundbreaking development, the start-up COLIPI offers a sustainable alternative to palm oil that is climate-neutral and environmentally friendly. Supported by Startup Port and renowned investors, the young company won the Gründerszene Awards 2024. The innovative power of...
Discover and take off
Qualify, network, promote – our offers are aimed at students and researchers with an interest in start-ups, young start-ups, but also established companies and start-up consultancies. For us, the focus is always on the question of how startups can be planned and organized as purposefully and successfully as possible.