It’s your idea that counts

At Startup Port, you will find fast and free targeted support to develop your entrepreneurial skills and implement your startup idea: We will guide you through the entire startup process with advice and coaching: planning, communicating, financing and founding.

Are you still unsure whether you are a startup personality? Or are you still thinking about which idea you would like to start your own business with? Our offers and programs will help you find and flesh out your idea, equip you with plenty of startup knowledge and, if necessary, give you enough opportunity to reflect on whether your own company is something for you at all.

For us, the focus is always on the question of how startups can be planned and organized as purposefully and successfully as possible.

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For students, researchers and founders

Take a look at our coachings and qualification measures and choose the support that best suits you in your current start-up phase.

From idea to business model in just one weekend

In a camp atmosphere, you will gain useful start-up knowledge, flesh out your start-up idea and benefit from exchanging experiences with other young entrepreneurs.

Helpful methods and tools on your way to founding a company

In our workshop series, you will find the right tools for your start-up: In individual sessions, methods and tools are taught and applied together to give you helpful tools for your entrepreneurial journey.

Startups, corparates, investors - we make you fit for cooperations!

What do startups need and what is important to companies? How can startups and companies cooperate and what can both partners expect from a cooperation? The Startup Port BUSINESS sessions provide the answers.

Certificate program "Interdisciplinary Innovation & Entrepreneurship"

Become part of an interdisciplinary entrepreneurship community, work on innovative challenges and develop professionally and personally - with the support of coaches and experts - to become a strong founder.

Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion

Step by step to your own company: STEP shows you how good business ideas are created! Plan a real start-up project during the training, gain concrete start-up experience and strengthen your confidence in your own entrepreneurial skills!

For Startup Consultants

Our practical workshops on specialist knowledge from specialized areas of startup consulting take your skills as a startup consultant to a new level.



KnowHow & Best Practice

Why should you have to have all the experiences yourself? Benefit from the wealth of knowledge of other founders and the useful templates of the start-up consultations of our network institutions.