Female Entrepreneurship

Anyone can start a business! – that is our guiding principle in the “Startup-Port” association, which we carry into the world with our offers and contributions. But some trends can still be seen in the startup scene today that point to unequal opportunities. For example, women are still significantly underrepresented as founders of startups and are correspondingly less perceived by the public.

The causes of this imbalance are complex. On this page you will therefore find offers that are explicitly aimed at women.

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Events & promotions

Take a look at our qualification measures and choose the support that best suits you in your current start-up phase.

One week is all about women* and founders who are interested in founding their own company! Save the date!
Relaxed networking and professional exchange over coffee and tea - explicitly for female founders.

Support programme

Take a look at our qualification measures and choose the support that best suits you in your current start-up phase.

Funding line EXIST-Women

Take a look at our qualification measures and choose the support that best suits you in your current start-up phase.


Targeted support for women interested in starting a business!

The EXIST-Women funding line from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection gives female scientists, students, graduates and employees at universities in the Startup Port the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the topics of start-ups and self-employment at an early stage.

The programme offers you events, advice and support services as well as a financial grant. Follow the links to your university’s website and find out about specific programme details and individual application criteria and deadlines.

Apply and become part of an inspiring network of female entrepreneurs!


Joint success is double success! So let us connect you with people at our networking events who will give you just the boost you need.

KnowHow & Best Practice

Why should you have to have all the experiences yourself? Benefit from the wealth of knowledge of other founders and the useful templates of the start-up consultations of our network institutions.