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Home Offers Tags ErfahrungsaustauschStartupsStudierende & ForschendeVorlagen On this page Overview Trial and error – a frequently applied principle of startups on their way to success. Here, founders report on learning with calculated failures. Description In interviews, founders talk about the...

Home Offers Tags QualifizierungStartupsStudierende & ForschendeVorlagen On this page Overview Compact startup knowledge, packaged in informative guides: that’s the Startup Manuals knowledge series. Description The competent startup advisors at the Startup Dock of the TU Hamburg have collected all the...

Home Offers Tags CommunityInnovation & EntwicklungKooperationenStartupsUnternehmensvertreter*innen On this page Overview Application-oriented challenges from companies are handled by startups with a fresh eye. The description The format provides an opportunity for collaborative work, cooperative learning, and getting to know each other....

Home Offers Tags CommunityKooperationenStartupsUnternehmensvertreter*innen On this page Overview Startup Port Sneak Peek is the platform that makes startups visible and through which initial contacts can be made between young startups and companies. Description You have just founded and want more...