Anyone can start a company!

Get the knowledge and expertise of an entire region for your start-up! At Startup Port, you get everything from a single source. Regardless of whether you already have a concrete start-up idea or simply feel the entrepreneurial spirit within you – we will support, coach and network you. The Startup Port bundles the support services of ten universities and research institutions in the Hamburg metropolitan region for you.

Discover and take off

Qualify, network, promote – our offers are aimed at students and researchers with an interest in start-ups, young start-ups, but also established companies and start-up consultancies. For us, the focus is always on the question of how startups can be planned and organized as purposefully and successfully as possible.

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What can the Startup Port offer you? Our video gives you a quick overview.



The startup repath from the University of Hamburg uses findings from climate science to enable companies to identify their risks from climate change at an early stage. Startup Port has supported the company’s business development. The company recently secured 3.6...

Around 900 participants met yesterday at the Startup Summit 2024 in Berlin, including political decision-makers, entrepreneurs and investors. They discussed how to strengthen Germany’s innovative power and implemented a new part of the German government’s startup strategy with the WIN...

The Future Fund is a central pillar of German innovation funding aimed at supporting the growth of start-ups and technology companies. Significant investments have already been made since its launch in 2021: Ten billion euros are to be invested in...