Would you like to find out whether your product/business idea is right for us, or do you simply need more information about setting up a company?
Here you will find ways to finance your idea,
as well as free training opportunities:
Together with our network, we offer various resources. So if you are looking for a workshop or laboratory or are looking for suitable experts, you can take a look around here:
Regardless of whether you already have a concrete start-up idea or simply feel the entrepreneurial spirit within you – we will support, coach and network you. The Startup Port bundles the support services of ten universities and research institutions in the Hamburg metropolitan region for you.
Our services are aimed at students, graduates and researchers with an interest in founding a company, as well as young start-ups. We always focus on the question of how start-ups can be planned and organized in the most targeted and successful way possible.
The Startup Port Lounge on 05.11.24 will address the topic of ‘idea theft’. We will answer pressing questions about protecting your ideas and provide useful tips.
Free admission –
get your place now
The Startup Port Lounge on 05.11.24 will address the topic of ‘idea theft’. We will answer pressing questions about protecting your ideas and provide useful tips.
Free admission –
get your place now
Du studierst, forschst oder lehrst an einer unserer Verbundeinrichtungen und hast für ein Problem eine Lösung gefunden, die sich möglicherweise zur Geschäftsidee eignet? Unsere Gründungsberater*innen unterstützen dich gern auf deinem Weg.
Wähle hier aus, wem du eine Beratungsanfrage stellen möchtest. Du kannst entweder direkt einer Einrichtung aus unserem Verbund eine Anfrage schicken oder – sofern du dir unsicher bist – „bin offen/ weiß noch nicht“ auswählen, um in eine passende Beratung zu gelangen. Das Team des Startup Port wird dir dann eine*n passende*n Partner*in für deine Beratungsanfrage zuordnen.
Unter „Community > Verbundpartner*innen“ kannst du dir in den Profilen der Einrichtungen ansehen, wer zu deiner Gründungsidee passt.
Hinweis: Im Rahmen dieser Beratungsanfrage können deine Daten an unsere Partner*innen weitergegeben werden, um eine optimale Betreuung deiner Gründungsidee zu ermöglichen.
Select here to whom you would like to send a consultation request. You can either send a request directly to a facility from our network or – if you are unsure – select “Don’t know yet” to get into a suitable consultation. The Startup Port team will then assign you a suitable partner for your consulting request.
Under “Community > Consortium”> you can look at the profiles of the institutions to see who fits your start-up idea.
Note: Within the scope of this consultation request, your data may be passed on to our partners in order to enable optimal support for your start-up idea.
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