Startup Port Sneak Peek is the platform that makes startups visible and through which initial contacts can be made between young startups and companies.
You have just founded and want more visibility in the B2B area for your young startup? Or do you work in an already established company and would like to benefit from the fresh wind in the start-up scene?
The Startup Port Sneak Peek event series provides a stage and venue for initial contact between startups from the Verbund universities and companies from the Hamburg metropolitan region. Founders briefly and crisply present their business model and their desire for cooperation. Representatives of existing companies get to know the startups of the universities and find their connection points in the startup scene. Short question and answer sessions and break-out sessions offer the opportunity for an initial exchange.
Target groups:
Event with short pitches, Q&A session and networking
30 min pitch and Q&A session + 15 min break out session
Free of charge
Next date:
in planning
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