

Toolbox: Ideation


15:00 - 17:00


Universität Hamburg | Transferagentur
Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 20148 Hamburg

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Do you want to find real solutions to real problems and learn to systematically define ideas?

Toolbox module: Ideation
How do I develop a solid start-up idea? How do I get from the problem to the solution? How do I get from the problem to a creative solution – and stay very close to reality? Do you want to work on start-up ideas, do you already have an idea or are you considering whether your thesis or research paper is suitable for a start-up? In this workshop, we will introduce you to key models for entrepreneurial idea generation and tried-and-tested creative techniques. You work on real challenges, find ideas and formulate them together with others.
Are you interested in bringing your own start-up idea? Let us know – we would be delighted to receive a brief description of your idea and plan it in.

Event language is German.

The Toolbox series

The start-up toolbox workshop series is aimed at people interested in starting a business, both with and without their own business idea, from the university environment in the Hamburg metropolitan region.


"*" indicates required fields

Toolbox: Ideation
Please enter your e-mail address here so that we can send you your registration confirmation and all the necessary information.
University, organization, research institution*
At which institution do or did you study or work?

Would you like to network with the other participants?*
My name and email address may then be shared with the other participants of this workshop.
How did you become aware of the event?
*Fields are required information.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Melanie Schehl
Start-up consultant, interface manager UHH
University Hamburg

Beatrice Hilck
Start-up consultant UHH
University Hamburg


Universität Hamburg | Transferagentur
Rothenbaumchaussee 19, 20148 Hamburg



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