

Startup Port Lounge


17:00 - 19:00


Warburg Haus
Heilwigstraße 116, 20249 Hamburg

Auf dieser Seite


The upcoming Startup Port Lounge opens its doors to a topic that is on the minds of many in the scene – and is the key to every start-up project:

In a panel discussion, we will talk to three startup founders about how they looked for and found their co-founders, what the biggest challenges are in day-to-day collaboration, and how to lay the foundations for a good corporate culture.

The lounge will be accompanied by live musical performances from Jiuning Liu and Lennart Meyer, followed by finger food and drinks and the networking part, where the panelists will also be present.

We look forward to welcoming people interested in founding a company as well as new and established founders, players, and supporters of the ecosystem.

Special thanks go to the Warburg-Haus and the Aby Warburg Foundation, who, as partners of the University of Hamburg, are opening their reading room and rooms for this event and thus actively supporting the startup ecosystem of the Hamburg metropolitan region.

On the panel

  • Laura Schnell
    Co-Founder and CSO open
  • Marius Klages
    Co-Founder und CEO dehaze
  • Viktor Kessler
    Co-Founder and CEO Notch


  • Dr. Bakr Fadl
    Head of the Transfer Agency at Universität Hamburg


  • Die Plätze sind begrenzt, eine Anmeldung ist – je nach Verfügbarkeit – bis zum 20. Mai 2024 möglich.
    Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Pflichtfelder sind mit einem Stern (*) markiert.

  • Startup Port Lounge
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  • Bitte hilf uns, unsere Kommunikations-Maßnahmen zu verbessern, um Startups besser mit relevanten Infos zu versorgen.
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Melanie Schehl
Foundation consulting
Universität Hamburg | Transfer Agency

Porträt Katrin Schönert

Katrin Schönert



Warburg Haus
Heilwigstraße 116, 20249 Hamburg



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