- 14.11.
- Expired!
Startup Port Campus Pitch 2023
- 18:00 - 21:00
As part of the Female Entrepreneurship Week 2023, which takes place parallel to the nationwide Start-Up Week Germany, start-up teams will meet at HAW Hamburg’s Arts and Media Campus on November 14 from 6 p.m. to win the favor of the audience and the jury in a pitch competition.
A top-class jury with equal representation and the audience jointly decide who gets to stand on the podium. The success criteria for the pitch are – in addition to classic factors such as the quality of the presentation, the economic viability of the start-up project and the degree of innovation of the idea – in particular the social and/or ecological “impact”.
The winning crew will receive a cash prize of 500 euros, sponsored by TEMPOWERK.

You are interested in participating?
Contact the foundation-supporting institution of your university/research institution. Each university and research institution in the Startup Port network of the Hamburg metropolitan region nominates a promising team in advance that is still in the early stages at the time of the pitch and has not yet founded a company.
We place great emphasis on diverse teams and especially invite women to participate.
For all interested viewers who would like to attend the event and vote for their favorites, a registration option will soon be available here.
Vielen Dank für Dein Interesse an diesem Workshop!
Aus organisatorischen Gründen wurde dieses Anmeldeformular geschlossen. Schon bald steht dieses und/odere weitere SP@TUHH Workshop Anmeldeformulare wieder zur Verfügung. Bei Fragen jeglicher Art komm‘ gerne jederzeit auf uns zu.
Viele Grüße,
Dein Startup Port @TUHH-Team
Female Entrepreneurship Week 2023
Für mehr Sichtbarkeit und Empowerment für Frauen in der Gründungswelt präsentiert dir der GründungsService der HAW Hamburg gemeinsam mit den anderen Wissensorganisationen im Startup Port vom 13.-19. November 2023 eine fulminante Mottowoche, in der Frauen und ihre Stärken, Bedürfnisse und auch Herausforderungen im Mittelpunkt stehen.
Startup Port
Other Organizers
HAW Hamburg | Projekt WISU