LHZ analytics

Business idea: Microplastic analysis

Industry: Chemistry

Year of foundation: 2024


LHZ analytics GmbH enables accurate, complex and not least confidential analysis services in the field of microplastics

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LHZ analytics: Advanced microplastic analysis

Startup LHZ analytics uses cutting-edge technology to investigate and understand the contamination of drinking water and environmental samples with microplastic particles and synthetic fibres – commonly known as microplastics. LHZ analytics GmbH was officially founded in January 2024 with the support of Startup Port and three part-time employees have been hired so far.

Dr Lars Hildebrandt and Dr Tristan Zimmermann, two passionate scientists, began their journey to founding LHZ analytics not through a single pivotal moment, but through an ongoing process. Both are researching the development of new analytical methods for the accurate detection and characterisation of microplastics in the environment and have published numerous articles on this in international journals ‘The motivation came more from a process: We have been carrying out microplastic analysis at the Helmholtz Centre Hereon since 2018 and in recent years we have received an increasing number of enquiries from various sectors of industry,’ explains Lars.

Analytical chemistry and metrology are the key to a better understanding of our environment. The scientists recognised a clear gap in the market for accurate and confidential analytical services. They began to receive requests from companies and authorities for sample analyses that were not intended for scientific publications but for contract analyses. ‘We realised that the supply of commercial analyses was very thin. We can do it and the market seems to be asking for it,’ Tristan adds. This realisation ultimately led them to the decision to turn their expertise into a company.

Support and first steps

The support of the Helmholtz Centre Hereon and the Startup Port as a network and participation in entrepreneurship seminars played a decisive role in the founding of LHZ analytics. ‘We came into contact with Dr Angelika Eichenlaub via emails about the entrepreneurship seminars. That was an important catalyst for our start-up. Angelika was a great help to us, for which we are very grateful,’ says Lars. Angelika is Startup Manager at Hereon and the team was also supported by Friedrich von Rantzau, Head of Innovation & Transfer at Hereon.

With this knowledge and the right contacts, the decision to set up a company was quickly made. ‘We had the opportunity and, above all, the expertise. Then it was clear that we needed a company now,’ Tristan recalls. They officially founded LHZ analytics GmbH in January 2024 and have hired three part-time employees so far.

Challenges and bureaucratic hurdles

As with many start-ups, Lars and Tristan also faced numerous challenges, particularly bureaucratic hurdles and contract negotiations. ‘The biggest hurdle was the extensive paperwork and regulations. The cooperation agreement with Hereon was also a very big issue,’ reports Lars.

Despite these hurdles, they were determined to successfully launch and develop their business. Their perseverance and the support from Startup Port and the Hereon helped them to overcome these initial difficulties.

Future plans and expansion

Currently, Lars and Tristan are happy with their activities within the Hereon infrastructure, but are already thinking about future expansion opportunities. ‘If we decide to set up our own laboratory, we will of course need extensive support,’ explains Lars.

Their comprehensive range of services and customer-centred approach set them apart from the competition. ‘We offer customised solutions for every problem and are very flexible. This sets us apart from the bigger players,’ emphasises Tristan.

Personal backgrounds and team dynamics

Tristan and Lars both have a strong scientific background and years of experience in their respective fields: ‘I studied chemistry at the University of Hamburg and got to know our current head of department during my Master’s lecture,’ says Tristan. Since completing his doctorate in analytical chemistry at the University of Hamburg in 2019, Tristan has been working on the development and application of new protocols with a focus on elemental and isotope analysis, as well as the analysis of microplastics.

Lars adds: ‘I studied industrial chemistry in Kiel and did my Master’s thesis at the Alfred Wegener Institute. Through networking, I then came to what was then the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) – initially for my doctoral thesis in analytical chemistry.’ Since 2021, he has been working on various scientific projects on micro- and nanoplastic analytics as well as studies on plastic additives.

The support of their families and personal relationships is essential for both of them to cope with the stress of starting a business. Lars relaxes by playing football and spending time with his family, while Tristan enjoys working on his house.

Tips for aspiring founders

Lars and Tristan believe that understanding the bureaucratic processes and having a strong team are crucial for success. ‘You learn a lot: for example, it can be a challenge to find a trustworthy and easily accessible tax advisor. Fortunately, we are in good hands in this regard,’ Tristan states.

The founders emphasise the importance of a strong network and support system, including reliable advisors such as the Startup Port, and they particularly recommend patience when founding a company: ‘A good network in advance is important. You need patience and sometimes it’s better not to know exactly what the end result will be. In the end, it’s a great feeling to create your own company,’ advises Lars.