Ideation Challenge


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Startup Port Community Day
13.06.2024 | Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

17:00 – 19:00
Ideation Challenges
Casual teamwork with a marketplace of inspiration

What’s it about?
In a large-scale ideation challenge colorful teams will come up with all kinds of new start-up ideas. The corresponding challenges have been provided by our partner universities and research institutes – each question builds a social challenge relating to topics such as ecological or social sustainability. The “Marketplace of Inspiration” offers creative stands of our partner universities and research institutions aiming to help the teams with developing a business idea. You can find more details below

The Challenges

The consultant teams of the Startup Port partner universities and research institutions have put their heads together and asked themselves: what challenges will society face in the coming years? What are the key issues that need sustainable solutions?

formulated by: DESY / Hereon / UKE

Our current economy predominantly uses linear processes: We extract materials from the earth, process them into products and throw them away as waste at the end of their life. A circular economy can reduce the pressure on the environment and improve the availability of raw materials. Analytical research infrastructures at DESY, Hereon and UKE can help to gain insights into materials and processes to enable the reuse of resources or, for example, to develop preventive health applications. With or without scientific material research, there is a lot of potential to recycle waste products.

formulated by: FH Wedel / Helmut Schmidt Universität

Health often goes hand in hand with quality of life. And, health affects everyone on many different levels. What can we do preventively to stay healthy? What can we do if we fall ill? How can we think ahead socially and give education about our (mental) health a place?

The question is intended to initiate the development of ideas on this topic so that not only information on physical health is shared among people, but also conversations about mental health are stimulated and reach the center of society.

formulated by: HAW Hamburg / Hamburg Media School

Choose one of the following five areas: 1. vacant Karstadt building in Bergedorf 2. the area around Hamburg Central Station, Steintorplatz 3. Alsterpavillon Jungfernstieg 4. Lüneburg Kurpark 5. place of your choice (in the HH metropolitan region)

Given the challenges that underutilized spaces and unused buildings pose for the attractiveness of Hamburg’s city center, we ask: How can we revitalize these specific places in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region to make them more appealing to a specific target group? The aim is to develop innovative, inclusive, and sustainable concepts in small groups.

formulated by: Technische Universität Hamburg

The sensible and safe use of digital media and information is more difficult than ever for adults and young people alike. Challenges include the credibility of information, the risk of addiction, and the spread of hate and bullying. At the same time, the digital world in particular has the potential to make information widely accessible, drive forward new technologies, and have a positive impact on society.

formulated by: Universität Hamburg

Consumers’ demands on products are growing. Sustainability is often already taken for granted. One challenge is the effectiveness of products. Hygiene, cosmetics, and even sports products seem to lose performance as soon as they become more sustainable. Positive examples that show that the two can work together include Frosch, Sante Naturkosmetik, and Patagonia.

formulated by: Leuphana

Sensors, IoT, and AI technologies have the potential to contribute significantly to sustainability by making the way buildings are made, used, and disposed of smart and efficient.

Examples include smart grids (smart grids use IoT and AI to better manage energy supply and demand, minimizing energy losses), smart cities (cities use IoT and AI to optimize traffic flows, improve public transport, and reduce pollution), and predictive maintenance (monitoring structures, machinery, and equipment in real-time and predicting maintenance needs can extend the life cycle and reduce downtime and material waste).

The Inspirations

90 minutes to develop a business idea is tight. Use the different perspectives from your team, activate all your creative powers, and get new impulses at the “Marketplace of Inspirations”: Benefit from the experiences of other founders and the Startup Port Verbund team, learn about fascinating applications, the latest research approaches and trends. Here we reveal what else awaits you at the individual market stands – in addition to the knowledge and expertise of an entire region for your idea.

Impact, partnerships, fashion/materials

J-040 (founded by Jennifer Johnsen) is a science-based fashion startup that develops the first all-natural UV protection for textiles and turns it into fashionable collections. In the impulse, Jennifer will talk about the story, the problem and the solution, the future prospects, and the associated positive impact.

Mental health, rethinking education, innovation

tiefpunkt will be joining the stand as a source of inspiration. They take part in the Körber Start-HUB and are working on a program in schools for mentally unwell students.

Quote: “We are bringing mental health into the curriculum and want to create sustainable change in the education system. The path requires creative and innovative solutions and the courage to completely rethink, reconsider, and discard ideas.”

Performative mobile bar, sensory perception, interactivity

Team Soundbar Hamburg uses an audiovisual approach to create an innovative spatial concept – a performative mobile bar that combines socializing, drinks and jam sessions.


Technology, startups, motivation

At this stand, you will find concrete examples of successful innovative business models. All examples are based on scientific work whose expertise has been used to solve specific social problems. With these examples, we want to provide ideas, inspiration, and motivation for the development of your own concrete business model.

Performance, sustainability, simplicity

The startup NanoLube presents its fascinating approach: With its innovative bicycle chain wax, it combines high performance with time savings and sustainability.


Sensors, buildings, sustainability

The startup Modern Safety Engineering offers cost-effective and unique solutions in the field of state-of-the-art sensors (combination of hardware and software) for structural monitoring.

Artificial intelligence, GenAI, machine learning

ARIC Consulting (Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg e.V.) strengthens the innovative power and international competitiveness of northern German players from business, science, and society in the field of AI.

Transfer, science, economy

Prof. Dr. Jana-Michaela Timm (WiSo Faculty, University of Hamburg) and Timo Christian (Program Manager of Future Innovators) provide a very individual perspective on the business ideas of the Community Day with their scientific, transfer, and high-tech background.


Beatrice Hilck

Hamburg Innovation
