A strong alliance
for your foundation

The Startup Port sees itself as a network that creates new impulses and, above all, demand-oriented support for knowledge-based entrepreneurship from an interplay of science, business and politics. The Startup Port Community stands for the close exchange of its members and the cooperative development of formats and projects that meet the current and future challenges in supporting knowledge-based startups.

The members of the Startup Port Community share their knowledge in support of knowledge-based startups and actively participate in the sustainable design of the structures established by the Startup Port.

Dynamic regional economic development requires trust, shared knowledge and joint access to resources for all stakeholders. The collaborations that arise in the network across specialist, organizational and federal state boundaries bring partners together, complement specialist knowledge and thus actively promote the region’s existing growth potential. More than 10,000 researchers and around 85,000 students in the network contribute to the metropolitan region’s reputation for innovation and research.


German Electron Synchrotron DESY

On the international scientific stage, DESY is one of the most important and renowned players. But the research center is also of growing importance for the metropolitan regions of Hamburg and Berlin/Brandenburg. The DESY campus in Hamburg, in particular, has considerable charisma for the region: its large-scale facilities and accelerators are important economic factors and attract research groups and doctoral students from all over northern Germany.

University of Applied Sciences Wedel/ Startup Bridge

The range of courses offered at Wedel UAS includes well-coordinated bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in computer science, engineering and business. There is a strong focus on the linkage and interfaces between disciplines. On the campus, around 1300 students use modern laboratories, workshops and computer centers.

The Startup Bridge is the startup platform of the FH Wedel. It enables students with start-up ambitions to write their own success story. The Startup Bridge provides competent advice on all important sub-steps of the startup process and offers regular events to qualify and network students.


Hamburg Innovation

The transfer company of the Hamburg universities HI, together with its sister company Tutech, brings a wealth of experience in research and transfer projects with business, politics, culture and society as well as in startup management. HI is also the project sponsor of Pro Exzellenzia – Hamburg’s career competence center for women. The experiences and content from coaching sessions and workshops are integrated into the formats of the Startup Port in order to actively promote diversity in founding teams.

Hamburg Media School

At Hamburg Media School, students can study full-time in the Digital and Media Management (MBA), Master in Film and Value-Oriented Advertising Film degree programs as well as part-time in the EMBA in Media Management and Digital Journalism. In the full-time Digital and Media Management course, students are given the opportunity to specialize in the areas of Start-up & Business Development, Data & Business Analytics or Social Media & Online Marketing.


Helmholtz Center Hereon

The Helmholtz Center Hereon is an interdisciplinary research center of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers.

Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg

Like its founder and namesake, Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg understands science as “a search for knowledge committed to social responsibility”. The university is committed to the ideal of a diversity of disciplines as well as scientific cultures and locates itself in an international research landscape through competitive basic and applied research.

As a science partner of the federal government, Helmut Schmidt University is closely networked with Hamburg’s industry. This makes it a strong project partner for the “Startup Port” in the metropolitan region. With the OpenLab, an open fabrication lab (FabLab) on the HSU campus, an infrastructure has been created at HSU that enables all those interested in technology and start-ups to physically realize their prototypes themselves using digital fabrication technologies.

Logo der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

Developing sustainable solutions for the social challenges of the present and the future: That is the goal of HAW Hamburg – northern Germany’s leading university when it comes to reflective practice. People from more than 100 nations help shape HAW Hamburg. Their diversity is their particular strength.

With 4 faculties, 17 departments and more than 70 degree programs, a broad variety of subjects is offered, enabling interdisciplinary and creative work on innovative ideas.

The start-up service of HAW Hamburg offers a wide range of support on the way from the start-up idea to the actual founding of the company.

Leuphana University Lüneburg

Leuphana sees itself as a place for a free thirst for knowledge, ingenuity, personal development and social commitment. Four faculties are sponsors of transdisciplinary science initiatives, Leuphana’s research foci in the areas of education, culture, sustainability, and management and entrepreneurship.

Leuphana has special expertise in entrepreneurship research. The Entrepreneurship Hub networks the diverse activities in this area, is a central point of contact and provides cross-faculty impetus for research and teaching, consulting services and start-up projects. With its programs, the Hub builds a bridge into entrepreneurial practice.

As part of this hub, the Leuphana Start-up Service supports innovative and knowledge-intensive business ideas through individual consulting, qualification and funding. In addition, it ensures optimal networking with all actors in the regional start-up sector, including those outside the university, and helps in the search for investors. A particular focus here is on sustainability-oriented start-ups.

According to the Founders’ Radar of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany), Leuphana University Lüneburg has been one of the most start-up-friendly universities in Germany for many years.


Hamburg University of Technology / Startup Dock

As a start-up center, we have been promoting innovative start-ups from the university sector since 2013. We are located in the Harburg inland port. Our origins lie at the Technical University of Hamburg.

Our mission: We advise and accompany students, scientists and alumni of Hamburg’s universities and research institutions in the realization of their technology-oriented, knowledge-based and socially valuable business ideas, so that innovative solutions improve the lives of many.

With individual coaching in a 1:1 setting, as well as teaching and training formats, docked teams find the kind of support they need in the early stages of starting a business. You benefit from our know-how, our experience and our network in the northern German university and start-up scene.

Through close cooperation, our consulting services and regular events, we aim to inspire entrepreneurial thinking and action and, together with the universities, strengthen the start-up culture on campus and in the Hamburg metropolitan region.

Hamburg University

As a partner in the start-up network of the Hamburg metropolitan region, the University of Hamburg offers a wide range of support and services to founders and those interested in starting a business.

As the largest research and educational institution in northern Germany and one of the largest universities in Germany, the University of Hamburg combines a diverse range of courses with excellent research and offers a broad spectrum of subjects with numerous interdisciplinary focuses. This offers those interested in founding a company the opportunity to obtain expertise from around 170 study programs in a total of 27 departments in the 8 faculties.


University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf

In one of the most modern clinics in Europe, specialists from a wide range of disciplines work together under one roof. Around 14,100 employees are committed to health around the clock.

The goal of close networking between cutting-edge medicine, research and teaching is medical progress. Innovative therapies developed through basic research and clinical trials at the UKE hold the potential for successful start-ups.

Strategic partnerships

Verbund can draw on a large network of already established contacts in the business community – from local SMEs to global players. Within the Startup Port Community, they contribute their different expertise. For example, the environment includes numerous private-sector initiatives such as coworking spaces, technology centers, incubators and accelerators. Close relationships exist with chambers of commerce, business development agencies, digital hubs, and interest/industry associations. An important part of the network are the founder alumni and alumnae, who make their expertise available to subsequent founders.

Contents to follow shortly….