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Ecological sustainability is becoming a relevant factor for more and more start-ups when setting up and developing their business. The Green Startup Monitor 2023 by Startup-Verband and Borderstep Institute shows how green startups bring impact and growth together. The...

The start-up PLANNINGIO, a spin-off of the University of Hamburg, was awarded the Start-up Prize for Digital Innovations by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection. The founders are developing a software solution for the digitalisation and automation...

A dashboard by the Startup Association and its research partner McKinsey & Company provides an overview of the performance of the German startup ecosystem and identifies development potential. With the project “Startup Nation Deutschland: Status Analysis. Development potential. Growth...

The Startup Association and Accenture have determined the startup business climate as part of an ongoing study on New Work. The results among others: The startup business climate is rising to pre-crisis levels, and young companies are also more...

Business angels and start-ups will have planning security again in the future: The INVEST programme, which expired at the end of 2022, will be relaunched, so that the venture capital grant can flow again. The EU Commission has given...

The two founders Jannik Semmelhaack and Tobias Wandersleb from the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Hamburg were able to convince the jury of the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank (IFB) with their young company VOIDS and thus...

There was €9.9 billion in venture capital for German start-ups in 2022, which means a 43 per cent decline compared to the record year of 2021. Nevertheless, it is the second most successful year ever for the start-up industry...

The start-up repath from the University of Hamburg uses findings from climate science to enable companies to identify their risks from climate change in advance. The team is supported in this by the beyourpilot start-up consultancy. As part of...

The start-up traceless materials from the Technical University of Hamburg (TUHH) is breaking new ground with the European fashion retailer C&A to reduce plastic in textile packaging on a large scale. During a pilot phase in the next few...

The beyourpilot alliance partner DESY recently inaugurated the Makerspace of its Innovation Factory: the space is open to people interested in founding a company, start-ups and young companies from the deep-tech sector that correspond to the research fields of...