

Brown-Bag-Lunch “An ABBA Guide to start-up procurement”


12:30 - 13:15


Online Event
The access link will be sent by email after registration.

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The session will take place online.
The Link will be sent out after registration.
The event language is English.

What the event is about

Our new online format brings you in-depth knowledge from experts at lunchtime – compact and practical.
When building your business, you’ll inevitably rely on partners and suppliers who are crucial for delivering your products and services. I want to offer some straightforward advice on the key topics and potential contract elements you should focus on. Additionally, I’ll share my personal experiences and best practices for creating sustainable and long-lasting positive partnerships.
Key topics contain:

• “Andante, Andante” / “I have a dream”: It’s like every other relationship …

• “Knowing you, knowing me”: Know your supplier. Really.

• “Super Trouper”: Multiply your network

• “Take a chance on me”: Build trust, transparency and the right expectation

• “I still have faith in you”: How to create business  with maximum flexibility, high reliability and low risk

• “Two for the price of one” / “As good as new”: How to specify your requirement

• “Money, money, money”: terms and conditions are much more than a price

• “When all is said and done”: What really matters in your contract

Focus on expertise

Christian Eickhorn is mechanical engineer with over 25 years of experience in management positions in Procurement & Supply Chain and Operations in various industries. He had actively supported and opened his own professional network to a variety of start-ups over the years.


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Brown-Bag-Lunch "An ABBA Guide to start-up procurement"
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Porträt von Christine Tiedemann

Christine Tiedemann
Hamburg Innovation


Online Event
The access link will be sent by email after registration.



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